Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Beware of the......??????

Over here the sign only has one bump but a helpful warning which an american ex of mine found very funny for some reason. I realy don't understand why...........


Henrik Lans said...

Hmm... for some reason I came to think of Black Eyed Peas...

Siv said...

"1200 m humping" sounds very much like something right out of the Pornolympics :-D

(eh, sorry)


jams o donnell said...

Hmm Siv, I will never think of the pole vault in the same way again!!

Anonymous said...

*eeeeek* Neither will I, now that you mention it :-O

Henrik Lans said...

I think the graffiti on the sign is quite telling too; "Humps for 3/4 mile -> Torn". Ouch.