Sunday, March 25, 2007


Alright, so I have been totally snowed under (not by real snow though) by work and work related anxieties. Big conference coming up next week, but also in the span of 4 days I went from the shock of hearing that my boss is taking her lab and moving half way across the continent July 1st and although she would love for me to come rather than letting me go she understands that that would not be realistic since R has a job here and not in Jersey, through a couple of days when I was seriously thinking about either moving to NJ (and totally ruining our economy and possibly our private life) or trying to get a job with very high-flying and rather scary lab here on campus to being recruited (head-hunted!) by the lab next door! I read about the new project and I think it will be good so I am accepting the job and just heard that the visa will not be a problem. I deserve a weekend of rest!

Anyway, two weeks ago we went to a lovely garden (Bayou Bend, run by the Museum of Fine Arts) here in Houston where among all the lovelies I spotted the flowers Shaun showed in the last post. I mainly photographed azaleas and magnolias. The latter are my favorites since living in London, but here the season is really brief and I caught it late. Glad to report that although the garden was in full swing the mosquitoes were not present yet.


Anonymous said...

OH! L-o-v-e-l-y!

jams o donnell said...

Ah there's nothing like Spring sprung. I love Magnolias in bloom

Cecilia said...

I ADORE magnolias! Used to love to go to Kew gardens and look at all the varieties that the have there. The azaleas are lovely, but not really in the same league :-)

Steve Bates said...

Bayou Bend is certainly a good place to see magnolias. It's been too long since I've visited. Bayou Bend is part of the Hogg estate. (For the record, Gov. Hogg really did have a daughter named Ima Hogg, but her alleged twin "Ura Hogg" is a complete fiction.)

I'm fortunate to have magnolias out my front window (mostly white) and around the corner (mostly pink). Spring has definitely sprung in Houston; indeed, some of the magnolias are already dropping off. But it's a great time to be here.