Monday, February 19, 2007

A trip to the library

Yesterday was grey grey grey, I had to check carefully where I placed my steps since the sidewalks were filled with disgusting slush.

Where to?

Well, that's the nice part: the library. I LOVE the library. It's not the most beautiful building in Västerås, but I love the fact that some of the bricks are decorated. Small small details are always interesting to me.
OH, and yes: I found some interesting books too. I guess that's - after all - my main reason for loving that place.


jams o donnell said...

Nice. I do like the little details on buildings - not on the brutalist monstrosities of the 60s as all you get on them is even more concrete. My own workplace is not bad as contemporary architecture goes

Cecilia said...

And I love both details and libraries! And brick for that matter.